The Eunice Upendo Project - Muranga, Kenya When in 2006 we met with Eunice Kamotho, the funder of the Rehabilitation Centre for orphans in Muranga, Kenya, we felt that what we could do from Europe to contribute in her project would not be in vain. Eunice is someone who is very much committed to her charitable work and the girls she has accompanied since 1997. For he girls, Eunice is like their mother and the person who gave them the opportunity to study and dream about a professionnal project that they never would have imagined in their situation. We started looking for sponsors in Spain, Ireland, France and the USA and one of our first partners was Versión Original Traducciones S.L.. they offered us to translate our web page from english to spanish in order to connect with a wider public and get known in Spain and Latin America. On Sunday the 19th of November 2017, we participated in the Valencia Marathon with 4 volunteers. With the support of the organization EACH based in New York City that also sponsors another project in Uganda, we organized different events like marathons, quizzes, sponsoship campaigns in companies etc…in several cities like Dublin, Madrid, Lisbon, Venice in Italy, New York… Our 2 main objectives are the following:
We are a registered NGO based in Dublin under nº CHY21107. Our website is You also can find us on Facebook: Upendo´s Friends and read and participate in our actions. There are various ways to help the girls continue studying, punctual actions like the ones we publish in or sponsoring a girl like Versión Original Traducciones. We are very proud to get the backing of María and Cristina since they started collaborating back in 2010. If you have any kind of questions about our NGO, we will be very pleased to give you all the necessary information. ¡Thank you!
El Proyecto Eunice Upendo en Muranga, Kenia Cuando en el año 2006 conocimos a Eunice Kamotho, la fundadora del Centro de Rehabilitación para huérfanas de Muranga, Kenia, sentimos que lo que podríamos hacer desde Europa para ayudarla no sería en vano. Eunice es una persona muy determinada y comprometida con su obra y con las niñas que ha acompañado desde el año 1997. De hecho, para ellas, Eunice es como su madre y la que les ha dado la oportunidad de estudiar y soñar en un proyecto profesional que nunca hubieran podido imaginarse en su situación. Empezamos a buscar patrocinadores en España, Irlanda, Francia y EEUU y uno de los primeros fue Versión Original Traducciones S.L.. Nos ofrecieron traducir nuestra página web Proyecto Eunice Upendo del inglés al español para poder conectar con un público más amplio y darnos a conocer en España. El Domingo 19 de Noviembre 2017, estuvimos presentes en el maratón de Valencia con 4 voluntarios. Con el apoyo de la organización EACH basada en Nueva York que patrocina también otro proyecto en Uganda, organizamos acciones puntuales como maratones, quizz, campañas de patrocinio en empresas etc…en distintas ciudades: Dublín, Madrid, Lisboa, Venecia, Nueva York… Nuestros 2 ejes principales de trabajo son:
Somos una ONG registrada en Dublín con el nº CHY21107. Nuestra página web es la siguiente: También estamos en Facebook: Upendo´s Friends donde se puede ver nuestras acciones. Existen varias formas de hacer que las chicas puedan seguir estudiando, acciones puntuales como los donativos en nuestras campañas y patrocinios a medio / largo plazo como el de Versión Original Traducciones. Estamos muy orgullosos de contar de nuevo con el respaldo de María y Cristina desde el inicio de nuestra relación en el año 2010. Si tenéis alguna pregunta de cualquier tipo sobre nuestra ONG y nuestro proyecto, os informaremos con mucha ilusión. ¡Muchas gracias!
1495 euros have been raised for the Upendo orphan girls. On behalf of Upendo, we'd like to extend a big thank to the Yahoos who made it happen ! and all the people who made charitable contributions. Pictured from left to right are: Elaine, Nicola, Edel, Bonnie, and Cristina. Other fabulous people not pictured are Danielle, Fernando, Hend, and Pia A Special Big Thank You to Danielle and Nicola. During the last 2 years Danielle and Nicola have been very supportive of our organization. Thank you also to 2 masterminds involved in the organisation of the events: Bonnie and Edel ! Nicola and Danielle Here all of the activities Organisation An Easter Charity Bake Sale- 430 Euros has been raised for the children of Upendo ! A competition has been organized, the most Yummy and Creative cakes have been rewarded ! Organisation of the sale of “Thrive T-Shirts”. All Proceeds went to the Orphans girls of the Upendo Children’s Rehabilitation Centre Here all of the activities linked to the Thrive T-shirts sale: • 5th April 2017 --> Launch of the Thrive Program when the T-shirts went officially on sale. The key event on that day was the so called "Smoothie Challenge" organized by the Health Provider Irish Life. What does a Smoothie Challenge involve? Individuals race on specially adapted smoothie bikes against the clock or each other to complete a simulated Smoothie Bike Mile. The faster you pedal the quicker you complete the mile and of course the more delicious the smoothie at the end of the race! • 21st April 2017 --> Lunch Fun Run. We organized a “purple” 5K run at lunch time open to everyone and encouraged people to wear a Thrive T-shirt and buy one if they hadn't done so yet. A good few people took part and they all very proudly sported a Thrive T-shirt. • 19th May 2017 --> As part of the Mental Health Month (May) we decided to show the Pixar movie, Inside Out, in the Office Canteen and have the Thrive T-shirts on sale too. All of the members of the Thrive Committee were wearing one. It was a great success! • 8th June 2017 --> Creation of a giant Y visible from the sky. Each individual was wearing a purple shirt Each Purple shirt is hope for the children, and a donation for the orphan girls of Upendo ! SUPPORT ANA'S EFFORT! LIKE ANA, PLEASE HELP CECILIA TO REACH HER DREAMS AND CONTINUE HER EDUCATION ! (SECONDARY SCHOOL) Our Sport Team has a new member! Ana from Madrid, she is going to run the 02 nd April for the orphan girls of Upendo! The race (half marathon) is going to take place in Madrid. HELP CECILIA, AN ORPHAN GIRLS, TO DEFY THE ODDS AND CONTINUE HER EDUCATION ! Cecilia (Cece), born in 2000, came to Upendo in 2003 with her twin sister after their parents died in 2000. Cece wishes to become a Lawyer and serve as a role model for other girls like her. To donate ![]() Message from Anna: “My name is Ana, I am 45 years old, I live in Madrid. I am married and I have two kids, a boy (11) and a girl (7). Although the sport has always been very present in my like, I started to run a little more than a year and a half ago. My first objective was a 10km race and I got it . Next, the 20km distance. I was enjoying, I had my routine of running … and then came the opportunity of running Seville Marathon. I prepared it with much illusion, very much discipline and I finished it¡ I enjoy a lot. My next goal, in my city, the Madrid Half Marathon on April 2nd. But now, I want to run not just for running… for this great objective, The Eunice Upendo Project. I want to share my training sessions, my race with all you. And why this project? The main reason is that I believe in education as a main step for a better life, a better future. In Kenya there is a low enrollment of girls in education and the Upendo Children´s Rehabilitation Centre give this opportunity covering the cost of education of their children. I applaud this great job.” Back in 1997, Eunice W.Kamotho, the founder of UCRC the Kenyan NGO we support, decided to act and saved a group of orphans.
19 years later, despite difficulties, financial stress, setbacks and many crises, Eunice managed to lead 24 girls to a secondary education, 2 girls to University and College. Also, 220 local children benefit from an education at Upendo Primary School. SUPPORT ANA’S EFFORT! AND HELP CECILIA TO PURSUE HER DREAMS Sadly, only 48% of girls in Kenya attend secondary school, among orphans, the statistic drops even further. The cost incurred by a secondary school education is 900 euros a year. (including personal effect, transport…) To donate: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela SUPPORT PASCAL'S EFFORT! LIKE PASCAL, PLEASE HELP CECILIA AND MARTHA TO REACH THEIR DREAMS AND CONTINUE THEIR EDUCATION ! (SECONDARY SCHOOL) Our Sport Team has a new member! Pascal from Paris, is going to run the 12th February for the orphan girls of Upendo! The race (half marathon) is going to take place in Barcelona. HELP CECILIA AND MARTHA, 2 ORPHAN GIRLS, TO DEFY THE ODDS AND CONTINUE THEIR EDUCATION ! Cecilia (Cece), born in 2000, came to Upendo in 2003 with her twin sister after their parents died in 2000. Cece wishes to become a Lawyer and serve as a role model for other girls like her. Martha is born as well in 2000, she works hard to excel in school and hopes to become a pediatrician one day Martha has called Upendo home for most of her life. She wishes to attend University so that one day she can take care of and provide for other people, just as she was cared for at Upendo when she was very young. To donate Back in 1997, Eunice W.Kamotho, the founder of UCRC the Kenyan NGO we support, decided to act and saved a group of orphans.
19 years later, despite difficulties, financial stress, setbacks and many crises, Eunice managed to lead 24 girls to a secondary education, 2 girls to University and College. Also, 220 local children benefit from an education at Upendo Primary School. SUPPORT PASCAL’S EFFORT! AND HELP CECILIA AND MARTHA TO PURSUE HER DREAMS Sadly, only 48% of girls in Kenya attend secondary school, among orphans, the statistic drops even further. The race is going to take place in Barcelona the 12th February. The cost incurred by a secondary school education is approximately 1000 euros a year. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela SUPPORT JEAN MARIE’S EFFORT! LIKE JEAN-MARIE HELP CECILIA AND MARTHA TO REACH THEIR DREAMS AND CONTINUE THEIR EDUCATION ! (SECONDARY SCHOOL) Our Sport Team has a new member! Jean Marie from Paris, is going to run the 8th January for the orphan girls of Upendo! His goal is to qualify for the Regional Cross Country Championship and later on for the French Championship. He needs to be within the first thirty in his category ("Master", 40 years old and plus). The race of the 8th January is the first episode of the Trilogy! HELP CECILIA AND MARTHA, 2 ORPHAN GIRLS, TO DEFY THE ODDS AND CONTINUE THEIR EDUCATION ! Cecilia (Cece), born in 2000, came to Upendo in 2003 with her twin sister after their parents died in 2000. Cece wishes to become a Lawyer and serve as a role model for other girls like her. Martha is born as well in 2000, she works hard to excel in school and hopes to become a pediatrician one day Martha has called Upendo home for most of her life. She wishes to attend University so that one day she can take care of and provide for other people, just as she was cared for at Upendo when she was very young. To donate Back in 1997, Eunice W.Kamotho, the founder of UCRC the Kenyan NGO we support, decided to act and saved a group of orphans. 19 years later, despite difficulties, financial stress, setbacks and many crises, Eunice managed to lead 24 girls to a secondary education, 2 girls to University and College. Also, 220 local children benefit from an education at Upendo Primary School. SUPPORT JEAN-MARIE’S EFFORT! AND HELP CECILIA AND MARTHA TO PURSUE HER DREAMS Sadly, only 48% of girls in Kenya attend secondary school, among orphans, the statistic drops even further. The race is going to take place in Neuilly sur Marne (Paris) the 08th January. The cost incurred by a secondary school education is approximately 1000 euros a year. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela |